Friday, April 23, 2010

Lazy Patch Duvet Suit.


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Poor Owl

So the surf competition ended up being a total bust. We woke up at 7 am to catch the train to Geelong. After an hour long ride, we had to catch a bus to Bells Beach. We finally arrived at around 11:30 am... or so we thought. The bus dropped us off at the "Bells Beach" stop, but the actual beach ended up being about a 45 minute walk down a sidewalk-less road with cars zooming by the entire time. After coming dangerously close to being hit, we finally arrived at Bells Beach only to learn that the competition had been moved to another beach due to a lack of waves. Great. Where was this other beach, you ask? A 50 freakin dollar cab ride away. But, of course, it wasn't easy to get a cab. After calling the company, I was informed they need an actual address for pick up, and not just a beach. Faaaantastic. There were no buildings around. We trekked back until we came across a random house which I don't even know was real. But we used it anyway. And, of course, the cab took about 45 minutes to find us, due to the random location of the aforementioned house. While waiting for the cab, we decided to watch the kangaroos in the nearby field. While watching, we decided to pee since there were no bathrooms around. The looks the kangaroos were giving us while peeing... it's like they knew we were tainting their land. I was terrified I was going to get stuffed into a gooey roo sack. After finally getting in the cab, which we all thought was being driven by a man but ended up being a woman, (see below post: female mustaches) we arrived at 13th Beach. By this time the weather had turned fairly cold but we didn't care, we finally made it! We found a spot to relax on the beach while watching the competition, but half the time we didn't even know what was going on. There were so many random surfers in the water at the time, and the waves were so miniscule, that it really didn't seem like much of a competition. We were expecting music, drinks, food, etc. to all be provided on the beach, but due to the location change, there was nothing. After watching the pathetic competition for 2 hours, we decided it was time to make the trek back home. On the pamphlet we had read that there were free shuttle buses running back to the bus. But, as all other things went wrong, so did this. There were no shuttle buses running from 13th beach, only Bells. So we tried to catch a regular old bus. We were told they were running every hour. But, of course, they were not. I could've punched a baby out of frustration. Sooo we had to take another 50 dollar cab ride back to the train station, and we finally arrived back at 6:45 pm. Which gave me just enough time to shower and head into work... terrible. The only good part of the day was actually getting back to Melbourne. We all felt so overjoyed to be back, and for the first time I actually felt like I was back home, which was a nice feeling. The entire tram ride back to our apartment we just kept repeating "Oh my God I am so happy right now!!! I'm so happy to be back!!!!" Never again will I venture out into the countryside where everything goes wrong. Get it together, Australia. Surfing is your forte and this was the lamest thing ever. We did get to see Kyle Odom, and semi famous surfer from the States.

Besides that, I just finished book 4 of Harry Potter, I've been working everyday, and we are out of food.

Quote of the Day: "Dear Glamour, I have a crush on a fat guy, what's wrong with me?"- Nonsense at work

Monday, April 5, 2010

Crab Apples

There's a terrible epidemic spreading across Melbourne at the moment: Females with mustaches. I've seen more come into the shop than I'd care to have seen. And I intend to get to the bottom of this. I don't appreciate it one bit.

On a brighter note, I was convinced by my roommates to head out to Bell's Beach tomorrow to catch the Rip Curl Surf Pro. The extent of my surfing knowledge is pretty much whatever Kate Bosworth taught me during "Blue Crush." But I still think it will be pretty cool to actually see in person. Let's catch some tubes, brah!

Quote of the Day: "Why is there a butcher knife back here?"-Me, at work.
"For stabbing. You know, murdering and such."-Corrie

Thursday, April 1, 2010


I enjoy this song. And video. And I hope you do, too. Cheers!