After 5 days of Papa Mannan time, we have been left to fend for ourselves. Well, not exactly, we get to live like kings at the Marriott for two more nights and take advantage of the executive lounge. Heyooo! Papa Mannan’s visit was great. He brought me peanut butter, AND Scrubs DVDs, the two things i love most in life, besides Turk. We saw “The Fantastic Mr. Fox” in the halfpipe theater, which was interesting. In the half pipe theater, which I now know is geared towards children; they have beanbags set up instead of chairs. Weird, yet wonderful at the same time. Papa Mannan and I did some graffiti hunting of our own, and on Sunday, all 3 of us did the Great Ocean Road drive.
The drive was about 4 hours there and 4 hours back, with multiple stops along the way. The road goes just along the coast of southern Australia all the way to Adelaide. We, of course, didn’t drive all the way to Adelaide, but we did make it to the 12 Apostles. The ride there was gloomy and rainy most of the time, but the sun finally came out and we had sunshine for the ride back. The water was so incredibly blue, I couldn’t get over it. Maybe I’m just used to the heinous, black water of Ocean City? Oh! And we saw Koalas!! Adorable. After a long day of driving, we were all craving some Mexican food. What we really wanted was Taco Bell, but what we settled for was “Taco Bill.” It sufficed. I went to town on some quesadillas and rice.
On Monday, we just wandered through the city center for a bit before going to St. Kilda so I could show Papa Mannan our apartment and the beach. It ended up being pretty chilly that day. Mother Nature cannot make up her mind in this city. One minute it’s 90 degrees and sunny, the next it is 60 degrees and grey. When we got to St Kilda, it was crazy windy. So we just spent a few minutes down at the beach to watch the sunset and then got some Thai food. Mmm mmm mmm.
We had a nice little routine with my dad here. Wake up, eat breakfast, work out, shower, wander around the city, come back and nap, sit in the conference room at the executive lounge and discuss anything from our business endeavors (slogans and radio shows), to the most hilarious episodes of “Seinfeld,” (the Merv Griffin/sidling the sidler episode wins) while taking advantage of the free drinks they put out, and then go out to dinner. Twas a nice long weekend with mah pops.
We are now going to start the job hunt FOR REAL. We have plenty of copies of our resumes printed out and no excuses to put it off any longer. Here goes nothin’!
I finally admitted to my dad that it was indeed, I, who broke the microwave at work. And we have 1 week until BDO! Must find fun outfits…
Quote of the day: “I think he’s wearing Lederhosen.”-Corrie, in response to the odd length shorts we saw a passerby in.
Way to come clean on the whole microwave situation. The truth will set you free!